Birthday Voucher
Why didn't I get my Birthday Voucher?
Please make sure you have updated your account details with your birthday. If you have missed out on a Birthday Voucher, please contact our Customer Service with your full name and email address and we can investigate this further for you.
Please contact our Customer Service team via Live Chat, email or you can call us on 1800 960 266 (between 9AM - 4PM AEDT Monday - Friday).
If it's my birthday today and I sign up today, will I get it now?
Unfortunately no, your first Birthday Voucher will be sent to you the following year.
Why is my Birthday Voucher not in my account?
If you do not receive your Birthday Voucher, please contact our Customer Service team via Live Chat, email or you can call us on 1800 960 266 (between 9AM - 4PM AEDT Monday - Friday).
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